速報APP / 娛樂 / Mule on Android

Mule on Android





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Челябинская область. г. Челябинск. улица Артиллерийская 116Б

Mule on Android(圖1)-速報App

The app has been created to work on ED2K ("eDonkey2000" protocol) networks, straight by your mobile device! - this is not a remote controller.

Disclaimer: we are not related to "eMule project".

Mule on Android provides basic functionalities: search files on servers/Kad, download files. You can't share your files!

Mule on Android(圖2)-速報App

Usage notes: if you are not connected to service - go to preferences and start core(switch on top of page), search files you need and start download.

Kademlia network is supported - for searching by keywords and for searching sources. You can work without connections to servers at all.

Please submit bug reports and proposals to developer's email.

Mule on Android(圖3)-速報App

This is open source application is offered under the GNU General Public License. Source code link https://github.com/a-pavlov/jed2k.

Disclaimer 2: we are not FrostWire project. This application uses open source code from https://github.com/frostwire/frostwire in terms of GNU General Public License.

Mule on Android(圖4)-速報App